Improve security by understanding your users’ roles and permissions
As companies are moving to the cloud, IT is becoming a more integrated part of an organisation and the users are like the keys to the vault. Security grows in significance, companies invest in advanced firewalls, antivirus programs, and other security software. Nevertheless, one crucial aspect that often slips the mind is maintaining control over users and data access.
This situation can be compared to building a high fence around your castle, but not having control over who possesses the keys to the fence and the castle.
No wonder most security breaches today happen because of a compromised user.
With Bsure, you get the overview of user accounts and identities, fortifying your organization’s security posture.
Get full overview of user identities that are vulnerable for hackers
Cybercriminals have an interest in exploiting user identities lacking the right security measures.
- How many users have access to data in your environment, and who is active?
- Is Multi-factor Authentication registered for all users?
- Are they logging in from high-risk countries?
- Are they using old and unsupported browsers?
- Are they logging in from unsupported devices?
With Bsure, you get the answers to the questions above through simple tables and dashboards.
You can drill down and see users sorted by different properties such as department, and extract live lists to Microsoft Excel that can be refreshed daily.
By removing unnecessary user accounts, you not only save company money but also increase security levels.
See where your users log in from
With our interactive map, you can see where in the world people in your organization log in from.
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Awesome! Here are the links to the resources you will need
Bsure Insights Data Collector
(Available on Azure Marketplace)
Bsure Insights Power BI app
(Available on Microsoft AppSource)
Link to Bsure insights documentations
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