Get Started – Simple, Easy and Secure

Free trial for 7 days

0.5 USD/licensed users per month (any user with a Microsoft 365 license assigned)

Low Azure running cost

No installation cost

No cancellation period

Large enterprise or organization?
Contact us for price details

- We charge 0.5 USD per licensed user per month.
- We have excluded specific student licenses from our billing, and these users are provided free of charge.
- Large enterprise or organization? Contact us for price details.
In addition to the monthly cost of subscribing to our product, there will be some Azure infrastructure consumption. This is the cost of running the Storage Account(s), Function Apps, Key Vault, and Log Analytics Workspace included in our solution. This cost will be low.
How Billing Works?
Bsure Insights Azure Managed Application is billed through your existing subscription. You will find the cost for Bsure Insights under Service Family “Azure Marketplace Services” on your detailed Microsoft invoice.
You can also monitor the cost in Azure Cost Management + Billing.