Arne Kjell gets control over costs


IT consultant Arne Kjell Øverland coordinates 8 banks that have a shared Microsoft tenant. With Bsure, he can fairly distribute costs between the banks, and gain control over license expenses and security.  

“I’m working with 8 banks that have a shared Microsoft tenant and a shared invoice. Then I distribute costs per bank based on licenses and computing power,” explains Arne Kjell. 

He doesn’t think Microsoft has made it easy. 

“Previously, achieving a fair distribution was very difficult. But I see that Bsure helps us achieve it in a faster and better way,” says Arne Kjell. 

Being “frugal” with licenses 

Another feature he likes in Bsure is the ability to see which users haven’t logged in for a long time. 

“I generate a list of users who haven’t logged in for the past months, and then I follow up with the banks,” he explains. 

Often, those users have left, but their licenses haven’t been canceled or released, or they are test-users. 

“There are a lot of test-users. All the banks are much better at ordering licenses than canceling or releasing users,” says Arne Kjell. 

Some licenses have a fixed term, so they can’t be canceled when they are no longer needed. But they can be released, allowing the license to be transferred to others. Arne Kjell says that keeping track of licenses has become his goal. 

“I have become a bit frugal with licenses now, but it’s because I gained insight into how many unused licenses we had,” says Arne Kjell. 

Secure as a bank 

There’s another aspect to all these unused licenses, and that’s security. “Secure as a bank” is a saying. 

“Banks, in general, are good at security processes. But of course, it’s also important that nobody has access to something they don’t need to have access to,” says Arne Kjell. 

The plan is to explore more of this functionality in the solution in the future. 

Contributing to the further development of the solution

Bsure was recommended to Arne Kjell by a former colleague, and he has also recommended it to his previous employer. 

“I’m very satisfied with being introduced to Bsure. In large systems like Microsoft’s, it’s easy to lose track. And then you need a system that gives you back control,” he explains. 

He has had good dialogue with Bsure all along and has also shared his viewpoints and made suggestions for improvements. 

“It’s nice to see that they listen to me and have followed up on several of my improvement suggestions,” says Arne Kjell. 

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